ICA Micro Grant Application
On May 5th, 2020, the San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art participated in Giving Tuesday Now by establishing the San Jose ICA & Affiliated Artists Fund (COVID-19). Individual donations were matched with a generous $10,000 donation from the ICA Board of Directors and we successfully raised more than $25,000, surpassing our goal. The ICA is offering 20 micro-grants of $500 each to Bay Area artists financially affected by COVID-19. Recipients must live or work in the Bay Area.

Applications due Sunday, May 24 11:59PM
Applications limited to the first 100 people
ICA staff will review and select 20 artists to receive $500
Artists will be notified Tuesday May 26th.

Name: *
Mailing Address: *
Phone number: *
Website: *
Tell us how COVID-19 has affected your art practice financially (one paragraph): *
Brief artist statement (one paragraph): *
Brief narrative bio (one paragraph): *
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