Content creators survey
Im an interactive design student currently on my final semester working on my Thesis Proyect, im interested in understanding the world of small content creators. This is a private form whose purpose is solely to help me find small creative channels willing to be interviewed to hear their stories, their motivations and struggles they face in this platform.

Please answer the following questions and thank you for your cooperation.
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What the name of your channel? *
What type of content do you make? *
How many subscribers do you have? *
Where are you located?
How often do you make videos *
How long have you been posting videos? *
What motivates you to create your content? *
What other platforms do you create content on? *
Would you consider your youtube channel to be your primary creative outlet? *
Would you be willing to be interviewed? *
If you answered yes on the previous question, please give me an email so i can get in contact with you as quickly as posible.
What date works best for you to be interviewed
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