Sacred Spirit Retreat Application
Event Timing: June 10 - 14, 2024
Event Address: Loon Lake Lodge. 
14500 Silver Valley Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada, V4R 2R3
Contact us:

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We hope you will join us at the Sacred Spirit Retreat next year: June 10-14, 2024!
Please complete this application with your personal information, accommodations and payment preferences. We will respond and fill available spots in the order applications are received. If your preferred accommodations are sold out, we may offer a different type if available.

We are looking forward to being in community with you!
Full Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
I will obtain insurance for any medical or travel incidents that may occur during this trip *
Below are our 3 accommodation packages and the meals that are included:
$3700 CAD - Slumber Party Shared Accommodations 
$4200 CAD - Soulful Duo Shared Accommodations 
$5000 CAD - Soulo Experience Accommodations 

Price includes 4 nights accommodations and all meals 
June 10: Dinner
June 11-13: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
June 14: Breakfast

Prices also include custom Sacred Spirit Retreat student swag kits and functional materials for activities.

We will be taking all applications into consideration and will be accepting them to accommodate your requests as best we can. You will be contacted with an email to confirm if your requests have been accepted or what the options that are available (re: accommodations and payment plans.)
I understand that the total investment for the retreat is:

$5000 - Soulo Experience (1 per room)
$4200 - Soulful Duo (2 per room)
$3700 - Slumber Party (up to 4 per room)

Prices include taxes and are in CAD - Canadian Dollar - use to convert to your own currency
I understand that if I am accepted, I must pay in full, or pay a non-refundable deposit on a penalty-free payment-plan to secure my space
(invoice will be coming to your inbox upon acceptance) 
Which investment(s) are you considering?:
Please select all that apply.
Payment plans will be available for each accommodation type. 
There will be no financial penalty for these options, so the cost will be divided by the number of months.
Please choose a payment option for the accommodations selected above: *
Please note all payments to Spirit School for the Sacred Spirit Retreat are final and non-refundable. If for some reason you are unable to attend the retreat or continue your payments, you will need to find someone to purchase your spot.  

There are many up-front costs to provide an experience of this nature. The profit I am making will not cover changes to the anticipated payments, as the investments I've made reflect the number of committed registrants. 

Thank you for understanding!
If there is someone you would like to share a room with, please indicate their name(s) below:
Are you: *
MANY more details about the retreat will be coming!
We are so excited for the opportunity to gather again in community! 

Details such as theme and agenda will be provided and we will open a space in our Spirit School network. If you haven't already, you can create a profile in preparation here.

I am committed to making sure this will be an incredibly powerful experience for all, and to keeping you updated!

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