Individual FAA Audition Videos 2024-2025
  • For the individual pre-recorded audition, the student should prepare a 1-2 minute solo in the dance style of their choice.

    • Any and all styles are welcome.

    • Please do not wear costumes.

    • Music is not required if the dancer wishes to dance in silence or acapella.

    • Please record in a large open space that shows your entire body the whole time, including any jumps and/or floorwork. A dance studio is preferred, but not required.

    • Your dance can be self-choreographed or choreographed by someone else.

    • At the beginning of the video, please introduce yourself, clearly stating your first and last name.

    • The dance portion of the video should come first and then the interview in one video. You may do this in one take, or edit the two sections together.

    • For the interview portion, please answer the questions below.

    • Please restate the question as a part of your answer or have someone off camera ask you the questions.

      • Interview questions:

        • What do you know and admire about our dance program?

        • MAC Dance invests in professional choreographers, provides opportunities for college visits, and teaches a curriculum that prepares you for a college dance program and a professional dance career. With that in mind, how can MAC dance help you achieve your goals?

        • Tell us about your professionalism and personality in dance class, rehearsals, and performances.

    • Upload your final video as a link to this Google Form. 

Email *
What is your first and last name. ? *
Upload your video link here. Please make sure to check your video before submitting.  *
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