Coffee Cream Study

Hello and thank you for being a part of the Q-insights database!

We are currently recruiting for a 2-hour virtual focus group. We are looking for people ages 21-49. 

The study will run from April 8 - April 9 and it will pay $225 as a thank you for your time.  

If you are interested in participating, please fill out the survey below.

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The contents of this study are confidential and may not be shared without our written approval. If you choose to participate in this research study, we will ask you to share opinions, preferences and demographic details (and sometimes photo, audio, or video recordings). The feedback we collect may be considered "personal information" or "sensitive personal information" in some jurisdiction. This information is processed and used for the following purposes: (1) your anonymous device and system information is collected by us automatically and used for quality control; (2) your responses are used by us and our third-party service providers to perform the research, improve our research methods, fulfill incentives, and follow up with you regarding related research opportunities; and (3) your responses are used by our client commissioning this study for its business activities. For more information visit our privacy policy and privacy request portal:

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Do you identify as…  *
What is your age? *

Have you, yourself participated in a marketing research focus group or one-on-one interview in the past 6 months, or not?


Are you or is any member of your household currently employed by, previously employed by, or retired from any of the following types of companies?

What is your level of involvement in making decisions when purchasing groceries for your household?  Would you say you…
Which of the following beverages, if any, do you yourself, purchase and consume daily?
Which of the following, if any, do you purchase and consume most often with your coffee?
Which of the following have you purchased and consumed with your coffee in the past 3 months?
Which of the below brands of refrigerated flavored creamer have you purchased and consumed before? How long ago did you purchase & consume it?
Within the past 30 days
Within the past 60 days
Within the past 90 days
Longer than 90 days ago
Never purchased
Planet Oat
International Delight
Starbucks (non-dairy)
Coffee-Mate Natural Bliss (Dairy-Based)
Coffee-Mate Natural Bliss (Plant-Based)
Chobani (Dairy-Based) & Chobani (Non-Dairy)
Blue Diamond Almond Breeze
Califia Farms
Oatly Barista
So Delicious
Great Value (Refrigerated creamer)
Kroger (Refrigerated creamer)
I don’t use coffee creamer reguarly

Next, I am going to read you a few statements. Using the scale below please let me know how likely you are for each statement, thinking specifically about coffee creamers. 

Extremely likely
Very likely
I am not sure
Not likely
Not likely at all
Pay more for premium ingredients, cleaner ingredients, and/or shorter ingredient labels
Open to in the future, purchasing and consuming creamers that are all natural or have no artificial ingredients but also have flavor and sweetness
Open to purchasing dairy based creamers in the future
Willing to pay more for a creamer that is better for you/improves your nutrition/has health benefits
Which of the following best describes your ethnic background? 
Which of the following best describes your total yearly household income?  
What state do you live in? *
What is your phone number? *
What is your full name? *
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