布里斯托華人基督教會 - 有限度實體崇拜報名表BCCC Worship Service Sign-up Form
本教會有限度實體崇拜的形式會讓部分會眾前往Tyndale Baptist Church一同參與實體崇拜,屆時會在Tyndale Baptist Church 進行實體崇拜。

因疫情依然嚴重,將限制參與實體聚會人數,在有限度的實體聚會下,請會眾留意及遵從教會與Tyndale Baptist Church的防疫措施及安排。


1. 因為崇拜須與講員配合的緣故,每星期的有限度實體祟拜語言會不同,請參考教會週刊或網站。

2. 本堂呼籲長者、高風險的弟兄姊妹、長期病患者、孕婦或身體不適之人士,請繼續留在家中一同參與網上崇拜直播。若家中有幼童和/或小孩,父母可酌情考慮帶同他們出席。

3. 有限度實體祟拜不設青少年團契Rooted,兒童主日學Life已在10月10日恢復實體聚會並在地庫進行。家長若未能報名出席祟拜,小童依然可以參加兒童主日學。

4. 孩童如欲參加該星期的兒童主日學請另外填表報名,請聯絡Anna Choi (+44 7511 081 977) 關於兒童主日學表格連結,此報名表只適用於崇拜。

5. 會眾如欲參與實體崇拜,必須於網上實名登記。每位申請者須以個人為單位填寫一份登記表格,不論成人或小童均需一人填一表,以配合NHS防疫追蹤指引及確認登記人數。

6. 開放申請時段為該崇拜前一週的週日晚上九時,至該週三的晚上九時截止。截止後的申請將不會受理。

7. 報名主要是採取先到先得的形式處理。因額滿而未能安排出席是次實體崇拜的弟兄姊妹,請下一次再嘗試。

8. 凡於網上登記的弟兄姊妹,教會將於星期四以電郵確認是否能安排您出席該次的實體崇拜。

9. 因事未能出席者,必須於週五下午五時前聯絡並通知 Benson (+44 7548 109 569),否則再次申請時可能不獲接納。

10. 出席時須嚴格遵從教會的防疫安全要求及指示,並配合事奉人員的安排,以確保教會的安全措施能有效執行。


- 請提早於下午1:45前到達教會,以便在崇拜前核對名字及量度體溫。

- 遵守在場事奉人員的指示(如:座位安排)。

- 於教會範圍內,走動時必須戴上口罩,在坐位中或站住的時候可以脫下口罩。

- 進入教會範圍時請使用已提供的酒精搓手液搓手或以其他方式清潔雙手。

- 盡量減少與其他人迎面而來的接觸。

- 盡量保持超過1.5米社交距離,並於聚會後負責場地的清潔工作,結束後避免長時間逗留。

- 若然你在參加祟拜後幾日確診新型冠狀病毒,你必須通知教會領袖。電郵聯絡方式 bristolccc.uk@bristolccc.org 或聯絡 Benson。


The re-opening of physical service aims to make it possible for a limited number of people to gather for worship at Tyndale Baptist Church.

To limit the spread of COVID-19, we have would apply crowd control measures as advised by Tyndale Baptist Church in limiting the maximum number of people to attend physical service. Please adhere to all the safety measures laid out by Tyndale Baptist church and kindly obey any instructions from our stewards.

The arrangements for the restricted physical service are as below:

1. As we had to coordinate with our speakers, limited physical service will be of different languages every week, please refer to Church bulletin or website.

2. Physical service is not recommended for those who are at high risk from COVID-19 , which include the elderly, people with chronic diseases, pregnant women, or those feeling unwell, please stay at home to attend the online service. Parents may consider bringing their young children (including infants and toddlers) along to our physical service as appropriate.

3. Youth group Rooted will not be meeting simultaneously as the limited physical service. Sunday School Life has resumed physical meeting on 10th October and will be meeting in the basement. Should the parent be unsuccessful in signing up for that Sunday's physical service, their children are still welcome to attend Sunday School.

4. Should your child wish to attend Sunday School, please fill in the Sunday School sign up form separately Anna Choi (+44 7511 081 977) to sign up separately, this sign-up form is only for Sunday Service.

5. To comply with the NHS track and trace system, please register with your full name; if you are attending as a family, please fill in a form for each individual member.

6. Sign-up will open on Sunday at 9pm of the week before each service and closing at 9pm on Wednesday. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be processed.

7. Generally sign-up will be on a first-come-first-served basis. However if we are unable to arrange for you to attend this week's physical service due to already reaching full capacity, you will have to try again next week.

8. We will confirm if you are on the attending list week via email on Thursday.

9. In case you cannot attend after your seat is reserved, please contact Benson (+44 7548 109 569) to cancel your reservation by 5pm on Friday. If there is a no-show without prior notice, your next registration may be rejected.

10. Everyone is required to adhere to the safety measures and follow the instructions from the stewards.

Notices for Congregants participating in a physical service:

- Please arrive at the church before 1:45pm to allow enough time for checking in and measurement of temperature.

- Follow the guidance of the stewards (including checking in, seating arrangements etc).

- Wear face coverings when moving around, you may take off face coverings when sat down or standing still.

- As you enter the church, use the provided hand sanitisers or sanitise your hand via other methods.

- Avoid face to face encounters and or physical contact when walking towards other people.

- Please abide by the 1.5-metre social distancing rule and please be responsible for the sanitisation of the church premises and surfaces at the end of the service. After the service, we ask that you promptly exit the church building and avoid loitering for prolonged period of time.

- Should you test positive for COVID-19 within a few days after attending Sunday Service, you must notify our church leaders via email to bristolccc.uk@bristolccc.org or contact Benson.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Privacy Notice: Bristol Chinese Christian Church collects your personal data relating to your registration only. Such data is for the purpose of the BCCC’s internal administration and NHS use. Your personal data will only be retained until the purpose and time required at the time of collection. It will be securely deleted when it is no longer required.
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請提供您的電郵地址 Please provide your email address. *
英文名字 First Name *
姓氏 Last Name *
英文稱呼 Preferred Name
您是否年滿18歲?若否,請註明您的年齡。Are you age 18 or above? If not, please specify your age. * *
聯絡電話 Contact Number *
地址(連同郵政編碼) Address (Including postcode) *
登記出席崇拜日期 Date of physical service signing up for. *
本人確認在過去14天,沒有出現新型冠狀病毒感染症状(如頭痛、咳嗽、發燒、呼吸急促、吞咽痛或吞嚥困難、氣味或味覺障礙、噁心/嘔吐、腹瀉、腹痛、流鼻涕或鼻塞)。I confirm that I did not experience any COVID-19 symptoms (e.g. headache, cough, fever, shortness of breath, sore throat, difficulty in swallowing, loss of smell/taste, nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, runny nose, or blocked nose) within the last 14 days. *
本人確認在過去 21 天,本人和/或與本人同住的人士沒有被驗有新型冠狀病毒。I confirm that I and/or any of my household members did not test positive with COVID-19 within the last 21 days. *
本人確認在過去 10天,本人和/或與本人同住的人士沒到過或從政府的紅色旅遊列表國家進入英國。I confirm that I and/or any of my household members did not travel to or arrive from the government's red list countries to the UK within the last 10 days. *
同意聲明 - 本人同意並會遵守上述防疫衛生協議。Declaration - I agree to follow the health and safety arrangements mentioned above. *
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