New Project/Quote Request Questionnaire
Please allow up to 48 hours for your quote to be emailed to you.
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Email *
How did you discover Prestige Promotions?
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First Name, Last Name *
Is there an event, occasion or specific purpose for the promotional products?
What is the Event Date or your In-Hands Date?
Is there a specific promotional product(s) that you are interested in?
Do you need us to curate a selection of promotional products to meet your needs?
Who will the promotional products be distributed to?
How will the promotional products be distributed?
What color(s) of promotional product would you prefer?
How many colors will the imprint be? (Most promos are priced with a 1 color imprint; additional colors add a run charge as well as an additional setup charge)
What color(s) imprint would you prefer?
Quantity needed?
What is your budget for this project? (price per piece or total budget for product)
What is the "Ship to Address" for this order?
If you are NOT already a client of Prestige Promotions, LLC, please enter your contact info. here:  
Company or Organization Name, Ship to Address, Phone Number

If you have questions, please call us at: (810) 953-0782.
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