Radiant Mama Directory Application / Payment Form

Thank You for your interest in joining the Radiant Mama Directory. We first need to gather some information for your profile, then we need to arrange payment.   

Cost is £5/month via standing order or £50/year (save £10) and payment must be made before your profile will be uploaded. 

Please provide proof that you have set up your standing order or that you have paid the annual fee to radiantmamahome@gmail.com

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Email *
Business Name *
Your name (first name, last name)  *
Business Summary *
Services, please list everything you offer   *
Phone number *
Contact email address *

Location (town/city, county)






Please email your preferred profile picture to radiantmamahome@gmail.com 

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Thank You! You can now complete your application and make your payment by using the bank details below. 

NB: If you are doing online banking, open a new window and make sure to come back to this window to submit your response. Otherwise, payment might still be taken but your profile submission might not be received

You will see a confirmation window once this form has been successfully submitted, and you will also receive a confirmation email.   

Kith & Kin Network
Sort Code :089299
Account Number: 67209970

Please put the following the reference: Directory [your surname]. 

You must provide proof of either your monthly standing order or your annual fee payment (£50) to radiantmamahome@gmail.com. Your profile will not go live until you have done this. 

Thanks in advance for your patience and understanding. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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