Beta Reading Survey
At my own discretion, I will be reaching out to offer eBooks to anyone who completes this survey. None of these answers are required, so I may be limiting the giveaway to only those people who at least try to fill out most of the questions. I'll be taking a nice, lengthy break from everything writing-related over the holidays, so I won't even be looking at these responses until mid-to-late January, and the eBooks themselves will only be delivered in mid-2022, when the final versions are ready. So be prepared to wait - it will be worth it.

The questions here are a starting point. You don't need to answer all of them, and you're invited to give feedback that goes beyond the questions. You can fill this out multiple times if you want to give your feedback in pieces. You can also email me with "FEEDBACK" at the start of the subject line, if you want to give more free-form feedback (and don't want to ruin my holidays by springing it on me now with a subject line that doesn't let me know it's feedback.) My email is

It will helpful if you include quotes from One More Year when giving specific feedback. A few words on either side of the issue would help me search, if it's a small error, and giving me a chapter number where you've found any issue will also be incredibly helpful. (Or episode number, for Radish readers.) But otherwise, general commentary will be appreciated. Thanks!
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Would you like to be contacted about the possibility of winning a free, personalised eBook of One More Year? (We'll discuss the details via email, and you'll be free to change your mind at any time.)
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What worked for you in One More Year?
What didn't work for you in One More Year?
Are there any errors you’d like to point out?
What do you think of One More Year's length?
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What would you like One More Year to have more of? (Check all that apply)
What would you like this book to have less of? (Check all that apply)
How was the pace of the book?
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Describe a time you were emotionally affected by the plot and/or characters.
At what point of One More Year did you feel “hooked” on the story (if at all)?
How did you feel at the end of One More Year?
Please describe any parts of the book that moved slowly or where you lost interest.
The CATCH-ALL: This field is for any feedback that didn’t fit somewhere else, or for general comments.
Are you interested in reading the next book in the series?
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Thank you so much for helping me make One More Year be the best book it can be!
As I said, I will be reaching out to everyone who's completed this some time next year only, and if the form is still up, don't worry - we haven't moved past this round yet.
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