Lesson Feedback on SciJourneys
We really (actually) value your feedback! Please let us know what worked, what didn't and how we can improve the lesson. We want every experience we create to empower teachers and maximize student learning!
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Overall rating: how would you rate this compared to all other (non-Galactic Polymath) professionally published lessons you have taught in the last year? (3=about average) *
Much worse (terrible)
Much better (amazing)
How engaged were your students? (leave blank if you didn't teach it)
Not at all, they were bored and unfocused
Very engaged, they ate it up
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How much do you think this lesson improved student understanding of the learning target(s) you aimed to hit? Leave blank if you didn't teach it. (3 is no change in understanding)
Students have a much poorer understanding of my learning target(s)
Students have a much better understanding of my learning targets
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How likely are you to encourage other teachers to teach this or another Galactic Polymath lesson? (3=Maybe; This was...meh) *
Very unlikely (This was a bad experience)
Very likely (I'm a huge fan!)
Tell us a little about yourself
This helps us understand how to better serve our users.
What is your role? *
Specific Job Title (if different from role)
First Name:
Last Name:
Email if you are available for follow-up:
How many students did you teach?
What was the age of your students? (e.g. put "9-10" if working with 9 and 10 year olds)
Class subject the lesson was taught in *
Your Country (if outside the USA)
Your Postal Code (at your school or home if homeschooling)
Your School/Institution (write H if homeschool; NA if not at a school)
Where did you teach the lesson?
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Detailed feedback
Please share specifics on what went well and what could be improved.
Feedback on how it went for students. What did they love, dislike, or find confusing. (Leave blank if you didn't teach it).
Feedback on how it went for you, the teacher. Was it easy to teach? Tell us what you loved, disliked, or found confusing.
Other Comments and Suggestions: Do you have specific ideas for improving the lesson? If your suggestion leads to a major revision, we'll credit you on the lesson plan Acknowledgments when it's updated. Specific slide references and details are greatly appreciated for bug fixes!
May we share your feedback on our website?
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