Training Athlete Registration Form 2022-23
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Player's Name *
(First, Last Name)
Date of Birth *
Player's Name
(First, Last Name)
Date of Birth
Player's Name
(First, Last Name)
Date of Birth
Address *
Player's Current School Name *
Example: Goodrich Middle School
Current Grade *
Phone Number *
Example: 123-456-7890
Player's Email Address *
Training(s) Interested in Participating In *
Position(s) *
T-Shirt Size
Parent/Guardian Information
Parent's Name *
(First, Last Name)
Address *
Parent's Phone Number *
Example: 123-456-7890
Parent's Email *
How did you hear about us? *
I hereby give the above-named child, permission to participate and travel with the F.I.X. Sports Academy. I understand that this program has certain risks and could result in injury to my child. I agree to hold harmless and free from liability the F.I.X. Sports Academy, as well as their agents, employees, or sponsors for any injuries which may occur to my child as the result of their participation in this program. I understand and agree that my child must follow the instruction given by the instructor and he/she must follow the rules and regulations of the F.I.X. Sports Academy and the instructors. I hereby confirm my child’s physical fitness and ability to participate in this program. Permission is granted to use photographs and/or video of my child for promotional material published by and for  F.I.X. Sports Academy Organization.
In consideration of my child’s voluntary participation in F.I.X. Sports Academy Program, which includes use of its facilities and/or equipment, during the reopening of facilities during the COVID-19 virus. I do hereby agree to waive, release and forever discharge F.I.X. Sports Academy Organization, its trustees, employees, agents, and representatives from any and all responsibility or liability, under state and/or federal law, for any injuries and/or other damages resulting from my child’s participation in Athletics. This participation includes any organized or individual activity that is part of the Athletic Program, including but not limited to preparation sessions, workouts, and meetings. I hereby acknowledge and understand that this waiver
of liability extends to claims by me, my child, and/or any other parent or legal guardian of my child. I assume all
risks of contracting the virus and will abide by all rules instituted by F.I.X. Sports Academy Organization which include but are not limited to, temperature checks, personal symptom tracking, social distancing, etc.

I also am aware that if my child experiences symptoms or contracts the virus, he/she will be pulled from voluntary participation for at least 14 days or released by a medical doctor.

F.I.X. Sports Academy Organization is not liable or responsible for any injury or contraction of the virus that occurs during our program on or off our campus during a training session.

I understand that F.I.X. Sports Academy Organization is entitled to rely on such proof from a physician that the child is medically fit to participate in all aspects of the program, and that F.I.X. Sports Academy Organization is not responsible for any medical advice or treatment given by any physician. My signature below certifies that I understand and accept the conditions and waiver as explained above.
Parent/Guradian Sign *
Questions/Anything we may need to know...
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