Speaker Superstar Fast Launch Coaching Application Form
Apply for your complimentary speaker superstar coaching session with Lauren, and launch your speaking career FAST.
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
What's your name? *
What's your email address? *
And your phone number including country code?
Why is now the time for you to focus on your speaking career? *
What do you want to speak about? *
Tell me about your ideal audience member? What do they want? What will they get from your talk? *
Do you have products and / or services to sell at the end of your talk? If so, please describe them. *
What is the #1 thing you've had difficulty with in creating success as a speaker? *
Do you want to work on STAGE, SEMINAR or PODCAST? *
Are you in a financial position to invest in further coaching beyond your free session? Prices start at  £600. *
Is there anything else you think I need to know to best help you launch your speaking career? *
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