Lesson #2: Love At Home
Prepared by: Dr Roy R Dennis
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What Does It Mean to Love?
Is love a feeling or action? Or both? The word love must be one of the most popular words in any language and indeed it is for those who choose to follow Christ. One of the most common and most relevant texts in scripture is John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” In the plan of salvation, God’s most powerful strategy to win souls is love. In the family relationship, the number one ingredient for keeping hearts and minds together is love.
1. Do you feel loved by anyone? *
The Greatest Commandment
In Matthew 22:34-40, Jesus was asked "What is the greatest commandment in the law?"
2. His answer was...? *
The Greatest Commandment (cont'd)
Love for God and love for fellow men and genuine self-respect.
Should I Love Myself?
Matthew 22:39 is not just a command to love your neighbour but a commission to love myself! Loving one’s self is not speaking of selfishness (Me, Myself and I Syndrome) but self-respect.

The Matthew Henry’s Commentary states that “There is a self-love that is corrupt and the root of the greatest sins and it must be put off and mortified; but there is a self-love that is the rule of greatest duty; we must have concern for the welfare of our own souls and bodies.”

God wants us to have a positive self-worth that comes from forgiving those who wronged us, putting the past behind us and knowing that we are unique and special in the sight of God.

3. Think about how you treat yourself. Do you love who you are? *
Loving My Neighbour
When we think about our neighbour, often we think about those who live next door. Our first neighbour however, are those who live in our own homes. Your wife/husband, parents, children should be loved and cared for because this is God’s command. Read Ephesians 5:21-28. There is, in this passage, a commission for mutual love, respect, and understanding. See also Romans 15:1-3.
4. What more can you do to demonstrate your love to your neighbours? *
Love Your Children
The rights of our children, as proposed by the United Nations, include the right to be loved. But we know where the United Nations got this command from. Before there was any United Nations, God instructed us to love our children (Matthew 18:6, 19:14 and Colossians 3:21).
What Does the Bible Say About Love for God?
Loving our spouse, respect for self and love for our children is made perfect when it comes out of a genuine connection and love for God (Matthew 22:37). Loving other beings with knowing God. “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” (1 John 4:8)

Our Father in heaven wants us to come into a loving relationship with Him and with our fellowman.

Is this your desire today? *
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