March 9- Wellness Summit Sign-Up for Students!
On March 9, we are devoting a day to attending various sessions and topics on wellness.

A Wellness Summit allows students to hear topics of interest and interact with speakers. Events will assist students in learning about wellness and how to apply mindful practices, empathy and thankfulness in their daily lives.

The sessions are conducted by individuals who have worked with youth routinely (Headstrong), RCMP, or are part of the RVS team. Our student leadership group created and decided on the topics of the sessions. We will have 10 -15 different sessions students can attend. 

We are asking all students to attend four sessions of their choice.

Each session will be 45-60 min long.  Some sessions may be sensitive, so only Summit Trails and Discovery grade 9 students may attend. 

9:15 am start time - don't be late! Information will be sent out the week of the event.  

Attendance will be taken at each event for a surprise at the end of the day.  For every session you attend, you will be entered to win various prizes: from gift cards, to books, to subscriptions!

Prizes will be given out at the end of the day, and you must be present in the Zoom room to win!
Email *
Session Descriptions:
Wellness Descriptions

Lived Experience - JD Hunter From Isolation To Community: Life In Recovery Speaker: JD Hunter

Go deep with JD Hunter as you hear about the hurts that led to compulsive, obsessive addiction. Trying to do it on his own, JD was brought to the brink of suicidal ideation many times before he discovered the secret: you can’t do this alone. Despite the abuse, shame & isolation, JD discovered the importance of self-care, vulnerability & authenticity. Walk away knowing you are loved, you matter & there is a purpose for your life.

Lived Experience - A Story of Inspiration - Kyle Young Pine & Meegan Dunham - ONLY ONE SESSION OFFERED

Watch this video before attending. Come and speak/listen to an incredible individual who has found passion and purpose while being a nationally known feather dancer and skateboarder. Talk with Kyle about his life, his story of addiction, and his journey to recovery. 

Pulverize Procrastination: How to make a plan and stick to it! 
Speaker: Kelvin Ganpatt

Let's talk about executive functioning! We will learn how to break down tasks to make them feel less overwhelming. We will explore how to prioritize healthy habits and learn how to set yourself up for success when you do have a task to complete.

Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships, know the difference! 
Speaker: Sydney Sommers

Do you know the qualities that make up a healthy relationship? Can you identify an unhealthy relationship? Learn the difference and how to assert your relationship rights and boundaries.

Whoa, that was awkward! 
Awkward conversations: How to conquer it! Speaker: Tashia Christie

Whether you are meeting someone new or checking in on a friend, starting a conversation can seem awkward. This session discusses conversation starters, how and when to check in on a friend, and when to ask for more help.

Are you reluctant to try yoga? Even though you've heard it increases wellness? Speaker: Laurene Head and students

Explanation: Join Summit Trails Yoga 25 students and their yoga teacher, as they explain how practising yoga improves your health and wellness AND join us for a short practice suitable for all levels and bodies.

Vaping and Tobacco Use: Be in the Know! 
Speaker: Stephanie Sands

Are you an ADV user? Or stuck on Cigalike? Or maybe you have a friend you are concerned about? Come to this session and learn about what vaping and tobacco are all about. Topics include healthy decision-making, being in the know of vaping and tobacco use, and ways to reduce youth nicotine use. 

Social Media, Digital Life and your Mental Health. Keep it Real! 
Speaker: Syeda Afreen

How social media influences mental health. Identified how to maintain personal safety online. Discuss the positive effects of social media, including increased connectivity and spreading awareness campaigns.

Lived Experience: Singer Song-writer Genesis - Inspiration Through Story - A Song of Healing 
Speaker: Genesis Lamboson

Hear the remarkable story of coming to Canada, only to be completely surprised by what awaited him.  His journey from mental illness to mental wellness.

RCMP Nathan Moores - Let's Chat Cyber 
Speaker: Nathan Moore

I’ll be focussing on the laws and aspects of the internet that we as police see and deal with, specific to youth, including sending inappropriate photos, sextortion and fraud. Participating students can ask questions they are concerned about as it relates to cyber safety.

Help! I'm Overwhelmed and Don't Know Where to Start! 
Speaker: Vesper Loewen

In this session, we will discuss some of the tricky parts of staying on track in our classes in online learning and go through some helpful strategies for staying organized, getting the help we may need, and tips for staying focused during assignments or tasks that aren't our thing.

Stress: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly Speaker: Kelvin Ganpatt

Learn about the difference between positive stress, tolerable stress and toxic stress, including the signs and symptoms of overwhelming stress. Learn the fight, flight, or freeze response, stress management tips and coping strategies, including resources.

Talk about Online School! If You Could Build Your Own School... Speaker: Kelsey Bagnall

How can we improve online learning?  What is working well? What could be different? What are you finding successful?

Yoga to help you chillllll out  Speaker: Laurene Head

Appropriate for all levels. Beginners welcome! You can practice in the comfort of your home, with your camera off.

Anxiety 101 - Actually, All my systems are nervous Speaker: Tashia Christie

Learn how anxiety impacts your brain, the difference between regular and clinical anxiety, and strategies to calm your brain, challenge unhelpful thoughts and replace them with helpful ones, and face your fears.​

Good Sleep is an Achievable Dream: Sleep Hygiene 
Speaker: Kelvin Ganpatt 

Understanding and exploring the importance of sleep and the outcomes from sleep deprivation. Explore what is preventing youth from healthy sleep. This session will share strategies to address and improve sleep routines, including a sleep diary.  

This is your Brain On Stress!! Speaker: Stephanie Sands

Discusses signs and symptoms of stress how to recognize it, and healthy coping strategies. Includes an overview of brain development and the fight, flight, or freeze response.

How to Guide: Speak to people and like it! Speaker: Helen St. Pierre and Adam Laforest

Sometimes is difficult to carry on a conversation.  You can do it with some great tips of understanding and ways to help conversations feel natural.

 ‘Setting up Your Environment for Success’

Description: As humans, we all have sensory preferences. Sensory preferences refer to how we each experience the world around us, what we like, and what we do not like. For some, these preferences highly impact how we live our day to day lives. For others, these preferences are merely good to know and help us be the best student, worker, friend, and family member we can be. Learning about how we each experience the world around us can help set us up for success not only in our online classroom environment, but in our community, at work, and pretty much everywhere else!

Student Name: *
Grade *
Session 1 - 10:00 am  Choose one. *
Session 2 - 11:00 am  Choose one. *
Session 3 - 12:30 pm  Choose one. *
Session 4 - 1:30 pm  Choose one. *
What is next?
You will receive an email with your session choices shortly. Go to the Wellness Summit Site on the day of the event and go to Schedule and Sessions Descriptions for the Zoom Link. 

This is going to be great! See you online!

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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