M:Fist Applications October 2020
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Cut and paste your full ID line. *
If you have a nickname that differs from your dossier name, what is your common name?
Have you been rogue in the past year? *
Have you ever served on the Fist staff before? If so, when and in what position(s)? *
Can you commit to serve on the Fist staff for six months? *
Which Gaming-related Academy Courses have you taken? *
Using the list below, please indicate which platforms you consider yourself familiar enough with to play a match and report without referencing the wiki. *
Provide a brief resume (bullet point) of your positions and experience in the DB. *
Are you familiar with and able to edit wiki articles and formatting? *
Per the Rites of Combat (RoC), what is required before engaging in a Free-for-All (FFA) match? *
List and explain one scoring methodology that the site uses for automatically scored gaming competitions. *
Describe how you would score a "skill-based" competition for one of our supported platforms that is neither automatically scored by the site nor a tournament format. Please include at least one tie-breaker. *
Identify and explain an area where you believe the Fist office can improve upon the gaming sub-community within the club. Do not be afraid to criticize current policy, suggest a new platform or create a new procedure.
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