Library by Mail
Patron Name *
Date of Birth *
Phone Number *
Full Address *
Town/City *
Do you have a OCPL Library Card? *
Jāaizpilda obligāti
If yes, Library Card #
Eligibility Requirements *
Please select from the following options
What types of material would you like delivered (choose all that apply) *
Jāaizpilda obligāti
What type of FICTION books/movies do you enjoy? (Check all that apply)
What type of NON-FICTION books/movies do you enjoy? (Check all that apply)
List Favorite authors, movies or other preferences that will help us select materials.
To aid in materials selection, a record of items checked out through Library by Mail can be kept on the patrons account. If you would like to OPT IN, check here. *
Jāaizpilda obligāti
I have printed the Certification Form to be completed by health care or social service provider. *
Jāaizpilda obligāti
How did you hear about Library by Mail *
Please read the following and sign below *
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