Medhurst Fund Group Ticket Application 
School groups interested in receiving gratis tickets for '24-'25 Arts in Education student matinee performances should complete the following application for Medhurst funded tickets. Learn more about the Medhurst fund here. (Performances take place at the Center for Performing Arts at Governor State University)

In order to qualify for fully funded tickets, a school must have at least 80% low income students as reported on the Illinois Report Card,  Schools that do not meet this threshold can still apply below for partially funded tickets.

To locate your school finances:
  1. Click on this link to Illinois Report Card.
  2. Enter school name and city and click on Search.
  3. On the left side, click on School Environment.
  4. Click on School Finances.
  5. Scroll down to find % of low income students.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Teacher/ Administrator Name *
Phone Number
School Name *
School Address *
I have verified that the percentage of low income students at the requesting school is 80% or higher. *
Requesting for the following 2024-2025 AIE show(s):
Read more about the shows here. 
If requesting for more than one performance, please indicate first choice here:
Briefly describe how your students would benefit from this opportunity and/or why are you requesting funded tickets. *
Thank you for your application for tickets funded by the Ralph Medhurst Ticket Fund. Center staff will be reviewing and confirming ticket funding on a rolling basis. Your school will be notified via email within two weeks of application completion if your request has been granted. 
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