Roar!  VBS Volunteer Registration: 2019
Welcome to the online Volunteer Registration Form for ROAR: Life is wild - God is good VBS 2019.  Please complete the information below and click submit at the end.  If you aren't sure whether or not we have your mailing address, please complete that portion of the form.  Thank you for your willingness to serve children from The Point and our community!
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Электронная почта *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Mailing Address:
Zip Code:
Phone Number: *
I have previously served in KidsServe at The Point: *
I'd like to serve the PRESCHOOL-aged children and volunteer for:
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I'd like to serve the GRADE SCHOOL-aged children and volunteer for:
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Other opportunities to serve at VBS include:
(you may choose more than one option)
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