PyCon US Packaging Summit 2024 - Topic Proposal
If you’d like to propose a topic for discussion at the PyCon US Packaging Summit 2024, please fill in this form by Wednesday May 1 (AoE). We generally expect submitters will give a brief introduction to their topic at the summit, but the introductory presentation may be delegated or re-assigned if desired.

We normally receive more topic submissions than can be accommodated in the time available, so your topic is not confirmed until we reach out with you and the schedule is announced, which should happen within about a week after the form closes.

When proposing a topic, be mindful of:
  • The audience: Python Packaging experts.
  • 30 minutes per topic, at most.
  • 5 minutes to introduce the topic, at most.
The best topics are usually more than just an "announcement" or "declaration", but rather open-ended and encourage further discussion and questions.
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Adreça electrònica *
Your name *
Provide us with your preferred name in its preferred spelling. It will be used in communication with you, as well as on agendas and attendance lists.
Topic title *
This would be used on the agenda. Please keep it concise. An example title: "Helping users to test PyPA tool releases before using them in production"
What is the problem that we are trying to solve? *
What decisions should we try to make during the summit? *
Note that certain topics might need consensus from folks who are not in the room, in which case the decisions made at the summit will feed into those discussions.
Why do you think it is particularly important to discuss this in person? *
Additional context
Include links to previous discussions, GitHub issues, blog posts, Stack Overflow questions, etc. that are related to this topic, and anything else we should consider.
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