Becoming a Bolder & More Fulfilled Business Woman - Survey
Hello Beautiful Sister!

My name is Ore and I support women's business success with strategies for using digital tools to showcase and amplify their achievements and attract new exciting opportunities. I am especially interested in women who identify as introverts or shy.

I am currently developing my coaching programme for introverted female entrepreneurs, who are not gaining the type of professional advancement and recognition they desire.

Your responses to my questions here will help me design a coaching programme that provides EXACTLY what you and all my clients need.

To appreciate your generousity of time and information shared, I will select 3 respondents to this survey for a ONE-ON-ONE 45-minute consultation with me, where we discuss the changes you would like to make in your life and I share some tips with you to get you there.

This will certainly be the first step in a bolder new you.

Warm wishes,

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Your Name (First, Last) *
Email Address *
Age *
Where do you live? (City, Country) *
Do you consider yourself to be an introvert or extrovert? *
Are you an entrepreneur? *
If you answered "Yes" in the question above, what type of business  / organisation do you run?
How many speaking engagements (e.g training, panel discussions, keynote addresses) do you have each month? *
How many media engagements (e.g. newspaper/magazine interviews, TV appearances, radio interviews, podcast interviews) do you do each month? *
What type of digital assets (e.g. website, blog, Instagram page, LinkedIn profile, WhatsApp group, Facebook page or group, mailing list) do you own? Please list them all. *
How often do you post online (e.g. social media posts, articles, on website, mailing list) each week? Please state the frequency and medium. *
How do you feel about the progress of your career / entrepreneurial journey? *
If you selected "Unsatisfied" above, what do you feel are the biggest challenges holding you back in your career advancement?
Have you tried to address the challenges you experience in your career? *
If you answered "Yes" above, please explain how.
What have you tried to do that was unsuccessful to address the challenges you experience in your career?
Do you feel that the challenges you have experienced in your career are related to your being an introvert / reserved / quiet / shy?
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If you answered "Yes" above, please describe how you feel your introversion or being reserved / quiet / shy has affected your career success?
What does your dream life look like? *
Are you willing to try another approach to getting the kind of results you are seeking? *
What specific results would you expect from such a programme?
What type of solutions would you be interested in trying? Select as many as apply.
How much are you willing to pay for such a solution?
What specific results would you expect from such a programme?
How soon are you willing to start this programme?
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