MMF Unite
On the 2nd of June, the MMF Team observed the music industry initiative “Black Out Tuesday/The Show Must Be Paused” campaign to reflect and ask how we as an organisation can support black and non-white managers, and be better allies.

It is crucial that the fight against racial injustice happens every day, always, and we are dedicated to work towards a more equal industry.

We want to include our members in the conversations around how we, as an organisation and industry, can influence change. This form is set up for members to share thoughts, ideas, strategies, and perspectives on what the MMF work towards a more equal world should look like.

You can fill out the form completely anonymously and share whatever thoughts you might have. We won't share anything outside of the MMF team unless agreed with you.
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Are you an MMF Member?
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Have you attended any MMF Unite Sessions? If yes, feel free to raise any thought's or feedback.
Please tell us what your thoughts and feelings are about the changes that can be made in the music industry, within the MMF and your role as a manager.
This could be for example thinking about:

1. Your current view/opinion of the MMF’s engagement with black music networks
2. What could the MMF do more of to support black music managers and their artists?
3. How the MMF can support it’s white membership in better understanding racism in the music industry?
4. Would you attend or engage in conversations and workshops discussing racism?
5. Who would you like to hear from? Any specific speakers?
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