Trivium Open nights

This is the sign-up form for the open nights of debating society Trivium.

We have two open nights, on 21 septemberand on 28 september in Café 't Haantje. The open night on the 21st will be in Dutch and on the 28th in English. 
(Of course you are also welcome at the English evening if you are not an international, the only difference between the two open nights is the language spoken.)

Both evenings will start at 19:00. If you have any questions, feel free to message us at

We hope to see you soon at one of the open nights!
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What's your name? *
Which open evening are you planning to attend? *
How did you hear about Trivium/the open evenings? (only for statistics purposes)
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
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