Sourcebooks Online Storytime and Reading Confirmations
Please submit your online storytime/reading confirmation with the form below.

PLEASE NOTE: this is not a form to REQUEST permissions, this is a form to CONFIRM your storytime readaloud in accordance with our guidelines.

Please see all guidelines here:

If you hold multiple events, submit each time you are holding a storytime with one of our books.

If you are unable to retrieve or share a link to the platform that your video was posted on, please submit a URL for the organization that you are associated with.

Email with any questions!

Videos must be taken down by 12/31/2020 unless permission to extend the term has been obtained from Sourcebooks.
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Email *
Are you an educator, librarian, bookseller? If neither, please describe your role. *
Your Name *
Your title/position. Examples include "elementary school teacher," "library media specialist," etc.
Name of the library, school, bookstore or organization *
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2 (if applicable)
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Country *
Title of the book used for the storytime/virtual reading. Please make sure this is a title published by Sourcebooks. *
Author of the book that is read *
Illustrator of the book that is read (if applicable)
ISBN of the book that is read *
The educational or social media platform on which the video or live event is posted or held. This could be Google Classroom, SeeSaw, ClassDojo, Youtube, Facebook, etc. *
A link to the educational or social media platform. This could be a Facebook page, Google classroom page, Youtube video link, etc. If you are unable to retrieve or share a link to the platform that your video was posted on, please submit a URL for the organization that you are associated with. *
A link to the video, if applicable. This could be a Youtube video URL (unlisted), or google drive link to a private video, or Facebook page video post.
Is there anything else we should know?
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