Barnsley Hospital Introduction to Medicine Course Registration Form 2024
Although Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is no longer able to offer on-site work experience we do run an Introduction to Medicine course 4 times per year.  This is a 2 day course aimed at final year school students and 6th form college students with a keen and genuine interest in a medical career as a doctor or physician associate.  The first day of the course will be online covering things such as applying to medical school, life of a junior doctor and life of a PA.  The second day will take place in person at Barnsley Hospital and will focus on practical clinical skills which you will be able to participate in.  Students who attend both days will receive a letter of attendance for the course.

If you are interested in attending the Introduction to Medicine day at Barnsley Hospital please can you complete the below registration form and return this along with a reference from your school/college or a professional (not related to you) who is recommending you for the course to the Medical Education Team via email at and we will confirm your place on the next available session.  Students under 18 years of age will require a letter of consent from their parent/guardian to confirm they can attend the hospital site.

This course is only for students who live or attend school within the Barnsley Borough

Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Full name *
Address (postal) *
Email *
Contact phone number *
Date of birth
(If you are younger than 18 we will require written consent from Parent / Guardian to attend the hospital site.)
Current School/College name and address *
Emergency contact name / relationship to you and phone number (in case of emergency during the on-site day) *

Please select which date(s) you would be interested in attending


I am interested in a career in the following areas of medicine (please tick all that apply):

If you have any comments or questions regarding the course please let us know in the box below: *

I will send a copy of my refence from my school/college or professional referee to  


If I am under 18 years of age my parent/guardian will send consent for me to attend the hospital site to 

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