Join us for this Lenten Journey!
New Wilmington Presbyterian Church
229 South Market St., New Wilmington, PA 16142
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During Lent this year, New Wilmington Presbyterian Church will focus attention on God’s grace by engaging with concepts presented in Tim Keller’s book, "The Prodigal God".  The subtitle of this book is, “Recovering the Heart of the Christian Faith.” You are invited to engage in this Lenten journey in three different ways: 1) Listening to the sermon/worship series, 2) Reading the Prodigal God book, and/or 3) Attending one of the several small groups starting the first week of lent.  
FIRST, Order a copy of The Prodigal God by Tim Keller.  A suggested contribution for the book is $2.50/book.  Please indicate the number of books you would like to order. *
SECOND, a Study Guide for small group participation is available and is helpful if you plan to join one of the Small Groups. A suggested contribution is $9.50/guide. Please indicate the number of study books you would like to order. *
THIRD, Engage in a small group.  There are in-person and online options.  Please check the one that would best fit your interest and schedule.
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How many will be attending the small group from your household? *
FOURTH, We would like to invite everyone on March 2, 2022, to the ASH WEDNESDAY kickoff evening which includes dinner, a preview video of the lenten series, and an Ash Wednesday worship service.  Please indicate if you will be attending the dinner.  The dinner will begin at 6:00pm, the video will begin at approximately 6:45pm, and the worship service will begin at 7:30pm. *
How many from your household will be attending the dinner on March 2nd? *
If you have any questions, please indicate below and we will quickly respond.
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