Waitlist for Youth Sailing
Some Youth Sailing sessions are at maximum capacity, but we may have cancellations. If you would like to be contacted in the event of an opening in the schedule, please submit the info below.

This waitlist is general to any sailing spots that open up, not a specific date.

Waitlisted registrants will be contacted in the order they are received when a spot opens up. Once contacted (via preferred method listed below), you will have 24 hours to respond with a confirmation of interest or decline and allow the next person the opportunity to register.

If you confirm interest, we'll send you the link to register and pay (if applicable).

 If you decline, you may choose to stay on the list for future openings.
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E-Mail-Adresse *
Full Name of Parent / Guardian *
Mobile Number (or other Contact number) *
Street Address *
City, State & Zip *
Select your preferred method of contact for notification. *
If you only want specific dates, note them below, or tell us anything else we should know for scheduling.
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