South Avenue Park - New Play Area Consultation
Friends of Spondon Parks have been working with Derby City Council Parks team towards installing a new play area on South Avenue Park. 

Following the successful community fundraising we have reached our target and engaged with park play companies to design a new play area for the community.  These designs have been based on the feedback captured from the community and the park designs completed by local school children.

We would love to hear your views on the options. So please answer the questions below.

Our website has links to larger copies of the design images.

Its not too late to donate!  The more we raise the better the play area will be!  If you would like to contribute you can via the link below

The aim is to install the new play area this year.

Thank you for completing the consultation.
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The current play area on South Avenue Park
Design A - Large Image
Design B - Large Image
Design C - Large Image
Which of the following play area designs do you prefer?

When choosing, think about the equipment on it, the layout and how much you/your child would use each piece. 
Any comments on the design?
Do you live in Spondon *
What is your postcode?
What is your age? *
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