Contribute to the OpenVC guides!
Thanks for contributing to our city guides for tech founders and investors. 
  • Each answer should be ~400 characters long (i.e. 2 to 4 sentences)
  • Only nominate 1 place/person/item per question (not yourself, ofc)
Any question, email! 😎
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Email *
Your full name *
What city would you like to cover? *
1. Name one thing you like about your local venture scene
2. Name one thing you dislike about your local venture scene
3. What's your favorite spot in town to work from your laptop. Why?
4. What's the best place in town to have an investor meeting. Why?
5. Who's a local personality every tech founder should know. Why?
6. Name a local VC firm that adds value. Why?
7. Name a local incubator or accelerator that you would recommend. Why?
What local meet-ups or events would you recommend. Why?
8. Any final tip for a founder who wants to build in your city?
Add a short bio of yourself for the "Contributors" section (email address optional) *
Ex: Brandon Maier is a serial entrepreneur and investor with over 10 years of experience in the startup and venture space. Brandon can be reached at
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