Mists A&S Report Form
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Email *
Select your Branch
Use the pulldown below to select your branch.
Branch *
I hold the following office for my B ranch
Normally, this would be the Minister of Arts & Sciences (MoAS) for your branch.  
If there is no MoAS in your branch, then another officer can make the report - please indicate if you are this other officer whether Seneschal or someone else.
My Office *
Reporting Quarter Schedule
Select your Reporting Quarter in the pull-down below.
Reporting Schedule - (Branch A&S reports due by these dates):
1st Quarter: February 21    - Covers December, January, February
2nd Quarter: May 21           - Covers March, April, May
3rd Quarter: August 21       - Covers June, July, August
4th Quarter: November 21 - Covers September, October, November
Quarter *
SCA Name *
Modern Name *
Phone Number
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