NASPSPA Student Writing Group Registration
NASPSPA Student Writing Group aims to be a supportive space to work on academic writing, share progress, and connect with peers. For December’s session, we’re gauging your availability and sharing information about our new initiative, Research-In-Progress Presentations (RIPP). RIPP offers students an opportunity to present research or teaching materials and receive feedback. If you're interested, you'll find details on how to apply in this form.
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Please provide your first and last name  *
What university do you attend, and what degree program are you in? 
Approximately how many YEARS have you been a member of NASPSPA?
Please mark your potential availability to attend December writing group sessions 
The Student Advisory Council and Student Rep are launching "Research-In-Progress Presentations" (RIPP), a monthly initiative during the last hour of the writing group. Each session allows two students to share research ideas, designs, or results at any stage—from conceptualization to dissemination—for feedback in an informal, comfortable setting. Students preparing for teaching or similar presentations are also welcome to participate.

If interested in presenting, please indicate below and email Leesi George-Komi ( a potential presentation title and 300-word max description of your presentation (may be presented in abstract format). We are currently looking for two presenters for the first Student RIPP in December (12/23 from 4pm - 5pm EST) 
Any additional comments or questions about the writing group or RIPP? 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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