OHS Alum Mentor Sign Up
Thank you for your interest in being an OHS Alum Mentor for Current OHS students. Please fill out the following survey!
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What is your name? *
What is your email address (one that you check regularly) *
Are you interested in being matched directly with an OHS student (requires meeting twice per month) OR would you prefer only to be reached out to for specific questions that OHS students may have (requires occasional checking of email)
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What year did you graduate OHS *
Would you feel comfortable answering questions regarding navigating Financial Aid and/or being a First Generation Student? *
What was your favorite class at OHS?
What was/were your favorite extracurricular(s) at OHS?
What college did you attend / are you attending *
What did you study / are you studying in college *
What additional education have you pursued, if any?
What internships / full-time work experience do you have (if any)? Feel free to just list the field (i.e. healthcare, finance, government, etc.)
What interests/hobbies do you have outside of work/academics?
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What are some questions/topics you feel that you would be most helpful in answering/guiding Fellows with (i.e. how to shape a college essay, how to pick a college, etc.)
Anything else you would like to share?
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