Japan Canada Literary Exchange
Thank you for participating in an event co-presented by The Japan P.E.N. Club, and The Japan Foundation, Toronto. We would love to hear your comments and feedback which will help us improve our future events. After watching the talk, please fill-out and submit your questionnaire online. Your answers will be anonymous. We appreciate your cooperation in completing this questionnaire.
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Which author talk did you watch? どの作家のトークを見ましたか? *
What was your impression of the talk(s)? トークの印象はどうでしたか?
How would you rate this event? このイベントをどう評価しますか? *
What discoveries did you make? 何か発見はありましたか?
How much has this event increased your interest in and/or understanding of Japanese culture?  今回のイベントにより、あなたの日本文化への関心や理解がどのくらい深まりましたか? *
How many times have you attended activities / events organized by the Japan Foundation, Toronto? 国際交流基金トロント日本文化センターのアクティビティ/イベントに、これまで何回参加したことがありますか? *
If this is not your first time, please indicate the recent type(s) of activities you have participated in.  もし今回が初めてではなければ、前回はどのようなアクティビティに参加したかを教えてください。
How did you find out about the event?  今回のイベントを何で知りましたか?
Do you have suggestions for future events and talks? 今後のイベントへの提案はありますか?
If you would like to receive notices about the Japan Foundation, Toronto's upcoming events, please click this address here > https://jftor.org/about-us/newsletters
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