This is an article designed to promote your brand a chance for you to share how and why you started a chance to pass on some knowledge to others thinking of following your foot steps in photography. this is not an application for a job or to join our media team, please make sure you read our Terms and Conditions.
Photographer Interviews.
- You must be registered here .
Do Not Answer these with single line answers, its supposed to be a story, YOURS, it will be going in a magazine if there isn't enough then it won't look good to your family, friends, followers or the public, and it won't get viewed a lot online.
Send all images either through a Google/Dropbox link or a zip, to
Once your Article goes Live on our site you must also play your part, we share your story as much as we can to get people reading it, but you must also do this, its a two way street we help each other, you can do this by posting your stories link to profile signitures on forums, YouTube, Instagram, Tik-Tok, linkdin, Pinterest, anywhere you can post live links, create stories with the link, ask friends and family to do the same, ask them to comment on your online story this all helps it get noticed more.
ALL articles must get over 500 Reads/Views to be concidered for a Printed Magazine, the more it gets the more it gets used.
Photographs and Media
Please be aware any photographs or media you submit to us will be used across social media and for commercial use, this allows us to openly promote your Article and your Social media channels, by submitting these to us you agree to give us permission to do so and wave any media rights or copy rights for the material you have submitted while in our possession.
We agree not to sell your media to any other outlets or give permission with out your written consent, we hold the right to use them for the Magazine, Online, Printed and Digital and any other commercially printed promotional items.
Please seek permission from your photographer and make them aware of the above, if you are not happy with this or do not have their permission DO NOT submit your story