Special Olympics Michigan Basketball Team Evaluation Questionnaire
In order to make team registration easier at the event, we ask that you fill out ONE of these forms PER TEAM.  This form should be completed and turned in with your registration materials. Thank you for your assistance.

If you have problems answering the above questions, please call the state office for further information.
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Email *
Area *
Which event(s) do you plan on attending? *
Area Director Name (First, Last) *
Please Select Team Type *
If the team is co-ed they will play as Male
Head Coach Name (First, Last) *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Years of Special Olympics coaching experience *
Years coaching this team *
Assistant Coach Name (First, Last)
Assistant Coach Email Address
Team Name *
Last Year's Team Name *
Are the majority of this year's players the same as last year? *
List any significant changes in your team this year: *
Based on a 10-division tournament, in what division would you place this team this year? *
It is a state requirement that if you are attending the District and/or State finals you turn in the results of three game scores by February 10th for teams. These games should be with other Special Olympics teams. Please check if you acknowledge this requirement. *
In an effort to help evaluate the ability level of your team, we ask that you provide the following information. Please rate your team as a whole on the following basketball skills by selecting the appropriate number, with the number 1 being the lowest ability and 10 the highest. We then ask that you total your team's score and place at the bottom. Please check if you acknowledge this requirement. *
Shooting *
#1 - Team has low skills in shooting. Takes inappropriate shots. Averages 15 points per game or less. #10 - Understands different kinds of shots and makes good shot selection. Athletes generally try to get in good position to shoot. Averages more than 30 points per game.
Passing *
#1 - Team frequently walks or double dribbles when attempting to pass. Passes are often intercepted. #10 - Ability to bounce pass when appropriate. Looks for open players to pass to and looks for passes when open.
Running *
#1 - Team seldom makes it down the court for offense or defense. Players may run out of control. Would not understand the concept of a "fast break". Frequently out of breath. #10 - Team covers both offense and defensive ends of the court well. Understands "fast break" and tries to implement.
Rebounding *
#1 - Team is frequently out of position. Does not understand "box out". May not know what to do with ball after getting a rebound. Often will not attempt to rebound. #10 - Understands the theory of positioning and is not afraid to play under the basket at both ends. Aggressively goes after the ball.
Team's General Basketball Knowledge *
#1 - Consistently makes the same mistakes (Inappropriate shots, aggressive play, shooting at wrong basket). #10 - Is aware of time in the game. Can follow the flow of the game and gives encouragement and advice to teammates. Team may attempt to run planned plays on offense.
Total Score *
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