Instructional Tools Pilot Sign-up Form
We are excited to present our upcoming Instructional Tools Pilot program. Starting Fall term, Online Learning is in the process of acquiring licenses that will enable faculty members to delve into and incorporate new instructional tools into their teaching. Instructors can actively experiment with these tools, tailoring them to suit their teaching methods and classroom requirements. Through this pilot, faculty will have the opportunity to assess and choose the most impactful features of these tools, thereby empowering their students and enhancing the overall educational experience. 

At the end of the pilot, instructors will be required to complete surveys to gather feedback on the use of these tools. Your input and insights about your experiences will be invaluable in helping us refine and improve the best practices for use of each tool. Your responses will play a crucial role in ensuring that we continue to meet the evolving needs of our teaching community. 

Choose one of the listed tools. Keep in mind that completing this form does not assure you of receiving a license; licenses will be allocated depending on their availability.

Annoto - video annotation tool
Annoto is a tool designed to enhance online video content by allowing users to add interactive elements directly onto videos. It offers features like annotations, chat, and quizzes that viewers can engage with while watching a video. Instructors commonly use this tool to make their videos more engaging and interactive, improving communication and learning experiences.

Kahoot! - polling tool
Kahoot is an interactive learning tool that lets users create and play engaging quiz games and surveys. It is commonly used in educational settings to make learning more interactive and fun. Players participate by answering questions on their devices, earning points based on accuracy and speed, fostering a competitive and engaging learning environment.
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Full Name *
e.g., James Bond
PCC Email Address *
We currently offer 2 different instructional tools to pilot for the Fall term. Choose one of the instructional tools you would like to try out. *
You can choose one of the listed tools below and provide feedback.
Faculty Member Tool Pilot Agreement

(1) Purpose:
The Institution has launched a pilot program to evaluate a new tool for faculty use, known as the "Tool." As a Faculty Member, I would greatly appreciate your participation in this pilot program.

(2) Responsibilities:

2.1 Institution Responsibilities:
During the pilot program, the Institution will provide you with access to the Tool, access to technical support, and additional resources.

2.2 Faculty Member Pilot Tool Responsibilities:
As part of this program, you are responsible for the following:
a. Actively use the Tool in your PCC courses.
b.  Provide valuable feedback on the Tool's functionality, usability, and effectiveness.
c. Participate in surveys and interviews related to the pilot program. 
d. Review and adhere to PCC's Copyright statement.
e. Review and adhere to PCC's Accessible Technology Policy.
f. Review and adhere to PCC's Privacy Policies, including FERPA compliance.
g. Commit to using the tool for the duration of the pilot.
h. Share a survey link, created by Online Learning, with your students to collect their feedback about their experience with the pilot tool.
i. Optional: Share about your experience with other faculty to promote use of the Tool.

Should you need any assistance or have questions about the pilot program, please feel free to contact  
I have read and agree to the Faculty Member Tool Pilot Agreement Terms
Your active participation and feedback are invaluable in shaping the success of this program. We appreciate your dedication to enhancing the learning experience for our students.
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