Rotaract Australia Executive Nominations 2024-25
Nominations are open from 7 February 2024 to 6 March 2024 for the 2024-25 Rotaract Australia Executive team. Voting will occur by the current Rotaract Australia Council in March 2024 for announcement of the final team as soon as practicable after.

The Rotaract Australia Executive strive to be a collaborative team that is innovative, highly committed and focused on ensuring members are supported. The team works diligently to improve the member experience and support Rotaractors across the region through training and networking opportunities, resources and guidance. The Executive team are a small group of people who work to support District Rotaract Representatives, Rotaractors and Rotary leaders at a national and international level.

To be eligible to be on the Rotaract Australia Executive you must be or have been a past District Rotaract Representative. If no past District Rotaract Representatives nominate in accordance with the Rotaract Australia by-laws (Nov 2022) 6.2.2 "If no past DRRs are presently nominated for any position, any Rotaractor of good standing within a Member District is eligible to stand for election to the Executive; but only if no past DRRs are nominated for election."

Please note that the following expectations for the role next year may be impacted by the Zone 8 Regionalisation Pilot during your term, with the exact scope and responsibilities still being determined. We are looking for candidates who are excited by the opportunity to be flexible and creative during this period.

Key expectations for the members of the Executive are as follows:
• Attendance at monthly Executive meetings via an online platform
• Attendance at monthly Rotaract Australia Council meetings via an online platform
• Attendance at all other ad hoc meetings, events and seminars as required
• 2-4+ hours per week focused on Rotaract Australia related activities
• Regular communication with other members of the Rotaract Australia Executive, Non-Executive, District Rotaract Representatives and others as required

The completion of this form meets the requirement for the submission as per Article 5.3.2 of the Rotaract Australia Bylaws (Nov 2022).

All candidates will be contacted after the close of nominations to schedule an interview with the Chair and Vice-Chair, prior to the vote by the Council.

If you have any questions about the Rotaract Australia Executive please contact Vice-Chair Joe Martinovic at or Eeshwar Rajagopalan at
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Please confirm you have read the job description for the role you are applying for. *
Name and preferred pronouns *
Email *
Best contact number *
District *
Country & State (eg. Aus, ACT) where you are based *
Are you... (please check all that apply) *
Name of your Rotaract Club *
Number of years in Rotaract/Rotary *
Which role are you applying for? (Please note a new form must be completed for each role) *
Why are you interested in the role you are applying for? (200 words) *
What skills and attributes do you believe qualifies you for the role you are applying for? (200 words) *
What do you see as the challenges Rotaract Australia faces in the 2023-24 year and how will you work to help address them? (200 words) *
Please provide a candidate statement below, detailing why you wish to nominate for this role and any other details you deem relevant. (This candidate statement will be provided to the Rotaract Australia Council of DRRs who are eligible to vote in the Rotaract Australia elections. Aim for it to be up to 500 words.) *
Please provide details of a referee (name, their connection to you, email and phone number) *
If you are not successful in being election to the Rotaract Australia Executive team for the 2023-24 year would you be interested in becoming part of the Non-Executive team? *
Do you have any questions for the current Rotaract Australia Executive team?
Have you sent a supporting letter from one of the following to the Vice-Chair by email?
Supporting letters may be sent to Vice Chair Eeshwar Rajagopalan at
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