Consultation: The future of Erasmus+ programme (2021-2027)
This consultation is targeting beneficiary organisations of Erasmus+ programme in the youth field aiming to collect their experience and suggestions for improving the format of the upcoming European programme in the youth field, the successor of the Erasmus+ programme during the period 2021-2027.  Based on your contributions, we will draft an official letter to the EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) that you could also sign as author / supporter organisation in January 2020.
Feel free to fill only the sections that are relevant for you.
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Please include your suggestions about how partnerships are made (agreements between partners, roles sharing, signing mandates etc). If you can bring some arguments for your suggestions, this can support your suggestion to be included in the final version of the official letter.
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Please include your suggestions about how funding works. If you can bring some arguments for your suggestions, this can support your suggestion to be included in the final version of the official letter.
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Application forms
Please include your suggestions about how the application forms work and their structure. If you can bring some arguments for your suggestions, this can support your suggestion to be included in the final version of the official letter.
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Please include your suggestions about how the projects are evaluated (evaluation criteria of the application forms, of the project reports etc). If you can bring some arguments for your suggestions, this can support your suggestion to be included in the final version of the official letter.
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Other suggestions for improvement
Please include your other suggestions. If you can bring some arguments for your suggestions, this can support your suggestion to be included in the final version of the official letter.
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Contact details
Your contact details are optional, but it could enable us to contact you in case we need more details regarding some of your inputs and to share the final version of the letter with you in order to sign it. All personal data are managed according to GDPR regulations. Please include: your name, job title, organisation that you represent, country and contact details.
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About us
This consultation is managed by the PRISMA European Network,

PRISMA European Network is embedding the work of youth organisations across Europe that are interested in using digital technologies in improving their efficiency and in working with the young people. Since 2016, PRISMA's activities are based on EQYP quality standard.

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