Gran Via High School and Home School Academy Application 
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Email *
Applicant/Student Name *
Date of Birth *
What grade level would you classify the student in the Fall of 2023? *
Former Schools Attended *
Statement of Interest

Write your Statement of Interest explaining why you would like to attend Gran Via HS. 

Personal Interests and Achievements

You will take an active role in your course of study. Therefore it is critical that we understand what interests you have so that they can become part of your educational experience at Gran Vía High School. 

Help us get to know the prospective student by submitting interests and academic or personal achievements. 

Feel free to upload multimedia links such as YouTube channels or blog pages to highlight any interests, athletics, art, or considerable abilities to

Student School History
What has the student’s schooling experience been like? Please explain. 

If the student was held back or retained, what were the principle contributing reasons? If the student left school, what influenced that decision?
*Dropping out does not reflect negatively on the application. By completing this application, the student demonstrates the desire to drop back into their school experience. We are here to help.
Supporting Documentation for Identity Verification

If accepted, we will be requesting supporting documentation to verify identity (i.e., student ID, student transcripts, shot records, etc.)
Standardized Test Results (ITBS, STAAR, TELPAS, etc.)

Please submit any individually release scores for the applying student for consideration to Gran Via HS. 

Transcript Requests

Request transcripts from school administrators and submit them to Gran Via HS.

Form of Identification or Student ID  *
Required Documentation (email)

Add parent statements, student essays, recommendations, and transcripts. Submit them to all schools to which you apply. School-specific instructions and supplemental forms are clearly indicated.

Application Fees

All school application fees are charged through the Gran Via website, and the cost of applying is $95 per application. Families may receive an application fee waiver. Please request this in writing.
Please submit questions in space provided below. 

Thank you for your time in beginning the applicant screening to Gran Via High School!
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