Graduate Experiences with Game Development and Learning Technology program at SDU or other in Odense
This survey aims to understand the experiences of graduates from the Game Development and Learning Technology program at SDU, particularly in terms of job market experiences, interests in game development, and relocation trends. This does also apply to those that are seeking game development in other educations programs.
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Did you graduate from the Game Development and Learning Technology program at SDU?  
What year did you graduate (or expect to graduate if currently enrolled)?
Did you want to pursue a career in game development upon graduation?
If you wanted to go into game development, have you been able to secure a job in this field?
If you are currently working in the game development industry, is your job located in Odense?
If your job is not located in Odense, where are you currently working?
If you've sought work in game development, what was the most significant barrier to entry?
How long did you search for a job before finding one?
If you have relocated, where in Denmark did you move to?
If you did not pursue a career in game development, what industry are you working in?
Please rate the importance of the following options in your career development within the game industry:
Establishment of a major game development company in Odense:
Opportunity to start your own game development company:
Relocating to a city with a vibrant game development industry:
Very important
Not very important
Not at all important
Do you have any additional comments or suggestions on the Game Development and Learning Technology program at SDU or the job market for this field in Denmark?
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