Participate in InVision user research studies and get rewarded!
The InVision Research team is looking to create a group of users to help shape the future of remote collaboration. You get PAID while also helping us test out new features.

For our next paid research activities, we’re looking for people like you who can lend your expertise and insight into your daily workflow. We are looking to learn about your remote collaboration experience to help shape the future of remote collaboration. Would you take a minute to complete this screener to see if you qualify?
If you are a good fit, we'll contact you with details. We're looking forward to hearing from you!

Thank you!
InVision UX Research team

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What best describes your role? *
What is your level in your current role?   *
What company do you work for? *
What industry do you work in? *
Thinking about your typical work week, how often do you collaborate with others online as part of your current role? Collaboration is defined as working alongside others on a project, study, etc. online with shared documents, workflow tools, etc. *
Please indicate which remote collaboration tools are you using in your current role. Choose as many as applies. If you use tools not noted here, please list them in the "Other" option. *
Wajib diisi
Which statement best describes your personal involvement in remote collaboration tools? *
In which of the following scenarios have you used virtual whiteboard tools for? Select all that apply. *
Wajib diisi
Tell us about one thing that has been challenging about remote collaboration. *
When adopting new tools... *
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