Shining Stars of VR Awards Nomination Form
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Nominations Due by 5pm on September 23
The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment and it’s Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) are accepting nominations for awards to be presented in October as part of National Disability Employment Awareness Month. The awards program will celebrate the contributions of workers with disabilities, the businesses that hire workers with disabilities, and the community partners who advocate on their behalf.
The awards will honor five workers with disabilities; five employers who have taken steps to provide employment opportunities to persons with disabilities and five individuals (may be a DVR employee) or organizations that make a positive and ongoing impact on the quality of life of people with disabilities.
If you know a worker who has reached a goal or taken important strides toward self-sufficiency and independence; if you know a business or an individual or organization that has made a noteworthy contribution to the quality of life of people with a disability, this is an opportunity to recognize those achievements.  Please complete the nomination form by September 23.
Your Information
Your Name *
Email *
Phone *
City *
Nominee Information
Name of Nominee *
Nominee Email *
Nominee Phone *
Nominee City *
Partner / Client *
About the Nominee *
Please tell us about your nominee. If you are nominating an employer, advocate or DVR employee, how have they positively impacted the lives of workers with disabilities? If you are nominating a client/jobseeker with a disability, tell us about their personal story. What challenges have they overcome and what is their success story?
DVR Release Waiver
Please have the nominee fill out this form: and return to If you have any questions, please contact Cher at
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