Consent Letter for Student Participation in mySAEBRS Universal Screener
Dear Parent/Guardian:

Our school will be administering the mySAEBRS my (Social, Academic, and Emotional Behavior Risk Screener) to second and third graders through FastBridge starting on May 1 2023. mySAEBRS is taken by students in grades 2-12 and takes approximately 5 minutes to complete. mySAEBRS is a brief, norm-referenced tool for screening students to identify those who are at risk for social-emotional behavior (SEB) problems. 

We believe this survey is a valuable tool because mySAEBRS can be used to identify students who are at risk for social, academic, and emotional behaviors. By evaluating student responses, we may determine what type of supports are most appropriate and which problem behaviors should be prioritized through intervention. 

The mySAEBRS questions are available below. 

Other Important Items:
1. Participation is voluntary and your child may decline to participate.
2. mySAEBRS may be completed using a computer or tablet. Ratings correspond to the frequency of various behaviors in the previous month (Never, Sometimes, Often, Almost Always).
3. Participation is important. This data is extremely helpful in identifying needs and providing timely support and resources.

Please contact Mrs. Becky Jones Vice Principal, or me with any questions regarding the mySAEBRS assessment.

Jennifer Kolb

Principal, Lansing Elementary School

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