Call for Submissions - Overworked Professor Handbook
Many instructors in higher education are overworked and unprepared to handle their unreasonable workloads. Whether they are contingent faculty (adjuncts) juggling part-time loads at multiple institutions or full-time faculty expected to handle loads of 5/5, 6/6, or more (sometimes in addition to service and/or research expectations), these instructors often find themselves at a loss for how to handle their various employment obligations--especially since their teaching conditions may vary so widely from the pedagogical recommendations of most existing instructional handbooks.

To fill this gap in resources for teachers of higher education, we are soliciting submissions of academic / personal essays to serve as chapters in an Overworked Professor Handbook (tentative title). In addition to narratives, we are open to considering proposals regarding a variety of subjects whose interests are pertinent to these instructors, including but not limited to specific lesson plan strategies for managing large volumes of preps (and/or students) on the fly, suggestions for managing large amounts of grading (without the assistance of teaching assistants), discussions of mindset strategies and maintaining work-life balance, and recommendations for de-escalating heated student interactions.

Submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis; please submit early!

Book Editors:
Leslie Salas, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Erin Breaux, South Louisiana Community College
Kirsten Holt, Valencia College
Emily Blair, Mitchell Community College

For questions, please email Leslie [dot] Salas [at] erau [dot] edu .
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What level of faculty are you / have you been? *
Brief biography of yourself (no more than 150 words). *
Brief abstract of your proposed essay/chapter for this book project (no more than 300 words). *
How long (in words, rounded to the nearest hundred) to you expect your final submission to be? *
(We have a lot of flexibility at this stage; sample lesson plans might be short, only 500 words, while creative/academic essays might be 1500 words or longer (even upwards of 3000 words).  We just need a ballpark estimate for how much you expect to write so we can give publishers an accurate idea of how long the final book might be.)
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