Reflection on Course Re-Design

Thank you for making the time to share your thoughts about the course you would like to re-design!

Join us for our Zoom Party on Friday, August 9 from 5:00pm - 6:30pm eastern (EDT). Collaborate with educators from around the world and gain new ideas for improving your course. You are not required to complete this Google Form in order to attend the Zoom, but we encourage you to "pre-reflect" in order to make the most of our time together.

While some of the questions on this Google Form may be addressed in your course syllabus, we appreciate any additional detail you can provide before the Zoom Party.

Questions? Email Dr. Pooja Agarwal at

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First name *
Last name *
Email address
Do you plan to attend our Zoom Party on August 9? *

  • The Zoom will be held on Friday, August 9 from 5:00 - 6:30pm eastern (EDT)
  • Zoom link: 
  • Stop by the Zoom any time and stay for as long (or as little) as you’d like
  • Engage in breakout groups and get ideas from educators from around the world
  • Live, informal, and un-recorded (Want a presentation? Watch this keynote with Dr. Agarwal)
Please provide a link to a GOOGLE DOC of your syllabus. *

Include https:// in the link. Please make sure you have enabled share settings for the Google Doc (Share > General Access > Anyone with the link). While enabling share settings is needed for Dr. Pooja Agarwal to access your syllabus, your link will not be shared publicly.
What is the name of the course you would like to re-design? *

You likely teach multiple classes. Please pick only one specific course to re-design.
What is the content area for this course? *
Which aspect of your course is your favorite that's already going well? *

You can only select one favorite!
Which aspect of your course would you like to re-design? *

We plan to have breakout groups during the Zoom Party based on responses to this question. Please pick the one you are most interested in re-designing.
What is your main hope or goal for the course re-design? *

Please read these options carefully and select the one that most closely fits your goal. We know that ChatGPT and AI are ongoing challenges in education. Navigating students' use of AI will be considered for all course re-designs.

What is a lesson or activity that is particularly memorable for you when you teach this course? Why does it stand out to you?

Are there any topics, assignments, and/or assessments required by your department or school that you must include in your course?

In other words, what can not be re-designed? Do you have to stick to a pre-set curriculum (e.g., content, textbook, and/or lectures cannot be changed)? Are students required to write a paper? Are exams, projects, or presentations required?
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