[IC] The Kora Series Deskmats
The deskmats feature original designs, with stylized Japanese text. The first run would feature deskmats in one size 900mm x 400mm x 3mm, stitched border, and a rubber bottom. Size preview (https://imgur.com/ZdEIx6J)

Either way, I would like to see whether you would be interested in these products and gather some general feedback on the design and colorways. Thank you all so much for your feedback and general interest in these creations.

Disclaimer: Any feedback is voluntary and participants have no rights over the intellectual property of the designs, or the final product/s. Hope that this statement is understandable and it's here to prevent any future disputes.
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#01 I am Flow
#02 I am Forever
#03 I am Kohlrabi
#04 I am Kohlrabi (mute)
#05 I am Progress
First choice? *
Second choice? *
Third choice? *
What would you change on the deskmats? (color, design, etc.) Please state the name of the design you are referring to.
What do you think would be a fair price? *
Where are you located? *
Would you be interested in multiple colorways of the same design? *
Do you have any questions?
Thank you very much!
Feel free to contact me via reddit (https://reddit.com/u/thisiswylify/) or instagram (https://www.instagram.com/korabrandxyz/)
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