AEM Champion Office Hours
Thank you for registering for our September Adobe Experience Manager Champion Office Hours! 

This session will be hosted Sept. 28  from 7:30 - 8:30 am PST | 2:30 - 3:30 pm GMTDon't miss an opportunity to learn about AEM as a headless CMS from developers and practitioners who have 'been there done that'! Whether you're a developer, content author, or web designer, our expert panel of AEM Champions are ready to answer all of your headless content delivery questions.

We will answer as many pre-submitted questions as possible given time constraints and will also engage in live Q+A. 

Please ask your question(s) using the text box below. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your name? We'd love to speak directly to you during the session and recognize you for asking a question! 
What question(s) would you like answered or discussed by our panel of Adobe Experience Manager Champions?  *
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