Completed a level or challenge (完成任務回報)
WOW done with your mission(s)? Awesome! Tell us all about it. Only select challenges and their levels you know you successfully finished that day or during the course of your stay. 

For example: Jayson stayed two days and one night in JEP. During his stay, he completed level 1, 3, & 5 of "The Botanist" challenge as well as "The Wildlife Film-maker". 

Don't forget to screenshot the response once you submit this form (what you see after tapping submit)

你只填已完成的挑戰或等級. 例如:Jayson 待在竹湖山居2天一夜. 在這時候他達成了 "植物學家" 的第1,3,5, 等級 以及 "野生動物攝影師".

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E-mail:  *
Date of Completion 完成的日期 *
English Name: (your name must be the same as when you wrote the participation form)
If you don't have anEnglish name, please type: None
英文名字 (如果沒有請寫'無')
Chinese Name: (your name must be the same as when you wrote the participation form)
If you don't have a Chinese name, please type: None
What is your iNaturalist account name? (For example: jenkay33)
你的 iNaturalist 帳戶名稱是 (不是email) 
Which challenge(s) did you do (during your visit)?
你已做了哪一個挑戰呢? (可多選)
Which level(s) of the challenge(s) did you do? (The Wildlife Film-maker, the Recorder, the Night Owl, and the Amateur Naturalist have only 1 level.)
根據上題, 你做完了哪一個等級 (Level)?  (野生動物攝影師, 山羌調查員, 夜行者 與 動物愛好者 只有 1 level). 
How many people were in your group? 
(The number of people in your group is determined by how many of you worked together and shared the same observations.) (If more than 4 people, please type the number of people in your group in 'other'. For example: 6. Do not write: 六.)
你的組員有幾個人? (組員人數是判斷於幾個人共同合作分享同樣的觀察) (如4人以上請在其他寫人數, 如:6)
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Rate your experience: 
Very poor and unlucky 很難無趣
Really fun and smooth! 很棒很好玩
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