NDA MOCKTEST 2019 (2) 26-50
NDA MOCKTEST 2019 (2) 26-50
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1. Every one of the boys love to ride. No error
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2. Neither praise nor blame seem to affect him. No error
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3. Many a man has succumbed to this temptation. No error
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4. A time slot of fifteen minutes are allowed to each speaker. No error
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5. He asked whether either of the brothers were at home. No error
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6. Be over the hill
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7. Bite your tongue
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8. Turn a blind eye
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9. Yellow journalism
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10.To be in seventh heaven
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11. closely monitor the situation(P)by the disturbing allegations(Q)we are deeply concerned(R)and will continue to(S)
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12. relieve nausea, pain and stress(P)aromatherapy may also help(Q)using lavender oil on their skin(R) but patients are cautioned against(S)
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13.. without any mandate of law(P)the plea filed through the advocate(Q)online is illegal and(R)submitted that the sale of drugs and prescription medicines(S)
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14. humans and machines have co-existed(P)dating back to the invention of(Q)the potter's wheel in ancient Mesopotamia(R)at the physical level for millennia(S)
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15. a sell-off as US Treasury yields(P)surged to multi-year highs(Q)on robust economic data(R)global markets also witnessed(S)
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16. According to the author, why should one study?
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17. Why does the author not recommend too much of studies ?
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18. According to the author, how can the studies be perfected ?
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19. Which kind of human beings denounce studies ?
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20. According to the author, one should read to
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21. The Election Commission on Saturday__ that the Assembly elections in five States will be held from November 12 to December 7.
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22. The victims were fruit vendors and they were an going in an auto when they ___an accident on the way.
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23. Scores of villagers are _____a sit-in protest against the construction of a new underpass.
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24. It is common for patients to stop medicine as soon as they start feeling better.
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25. A four-year-old girl got a new lease of life after doctors at a hospital ___ a cancerous tumour from one of her kidneys.
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