課程報名表  Event Registration
翻糖甜品台 - PME五星糖藝師課程
日期:8/1 (星期六) - 技巧提升實作坊
            14~15/1 (星期五至六) - 學員作品工作坊
時間:10:00am - 5:30pm
導師:Peggy Wong

Rolled Fondant Dessert Table - A Certified PME 5 Star Sugar Artist Course
Date: 8/1 (Saturday) - Training Workshop
          14~15/1 (Friday to Saturday) - Final Project Workshop
Time: 10:00am - 5:30pm
Instructor: Peggy Wong
Fee: HK$3,900
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課程內容  Class Description
為宴會加點甜!由外國引入的甜品台佈置(Dessert Table/Candy Corner)近年極為流行,為賓客提供多一個席前玩意,也是宴會的打卡熱點!

我們設計的PME五星糖藝師 - 翻糖甜品台課程,結合高階翻糖技巧實作和個人創意設計,完成一組自主創作的主題甜品台。課程分為兩部分,首天為高階技巧實作坊,我們以Ladies' Night為主題,教授多款具啟發性的技巧,包括翻糖雕刻(bas relief sculpture)、翻糖縮褶裝飾(smocking pattern)、用翻糖製作捲紙裝飾(quilling effect)及立體威化紙金屬波浪(wafer paper metallic waves);導師會與各學員探討甜品台的設計,及學員構想主題的可行性和注意事項。其後兩天的課堂,學員會按各自的設計,製作及佈置他們的甜品台,導師會從旁指導及改進學員的技巧運用。課程要求學員親自釐定甜品台的主題,製作至少三層的翻糖蛋糕、至少三種包含翻糖裝飾的甜品,例如杯子蛋糕、馬卡龍、迷你蛋糕、曲奇、棒棒蛋糕和朱古力等。透過多元的課程編排,挑戰學員的創作與技巧運用!

*這也是PME五星糖藝師的其中一個認證課程,若想參與PME五星糖藝師課程的學員需要另外登記註冊。首次登記註冊PME五星糖藝師課程的學員需要另外註冊費HK$3,500。 請參閱我們的網頁 (https://www.blossomcakes.com.hk/five-star-sugar-artist-ch) 了解詳細課程內容。

Sweeten your party! Besides the host, the starts of many celebration receptions are the desserts. The dessert table or some called it candy corner, has become very popular in recent years. A table with a stunning multi-tiered cake and an assortment of sweet treats are sure to excite your guests and an aesthetic Instagramable spot for the event.

Our PME Five-Star Sugar Artist - Rolled Fondant Dessert Table Course consists of a training workshop and a final project workshop (a tutor work alongside you on your project). The training workshop is a one-day training and consulting session. We will use the theme of Ladies' Night as an example and teach several practical skills, including bas relief sculpture, smocking pattern and quilling with fondant, and 3D wafer paper metallic waves. Our tutor will guide you in planning and designing the project to your desired theme. The final project workshop is a two-day session. The students will make and decorate dessert tables according to their designs. The tutor will work alongside and guide the students whenever needed. The course requires students to setup up a dessert table. Still, it must include a multi-tiered cake with a minimum of three tiers and at least three other decorated desserts, anything from cupcakes, macarons, mini cakes, cookies, cake pops and chocolates etc. A course aims to develop practical and creative skills in arranging a dessert table!

*The tuition fee includes materials for the hands-on training workshop only. The materials for the final dessert table works are not inclusive.
*We have hundreds of moulds and tools available in our school. Students can bring their decorative fondant moulds and materials to create their dessert table or borrow our moulds and tools to decorate their works.​
*It is also a certified course and part of the PME Five Star Sugar Artist programme, subject to a separate subscription if you wish to register the programme. A registration fee of HK$3,500 is required for students who register for the PME Five-Star Sugar Artist Programme for the first time. You can read our webpage (https://www.blossomcakes.com.hk/five-star-sugar-artist) for the details of the programme.
導師簡介  Instructor's Profile
Peggy is the founder of Blossom Cakes, an expert tutor, professional cake designer, and author of Desserts for the Beginners, Bake a Gift and Gift-in-return, and Fantastic Royal Icing Cookies. Having grown up in the back of her family's food company, she has always been obsessed with cake decorating and baking. Peggy has over 20 years of teaching experience from Japanese Cut Ribbon Flowers, bakery to cake decorating & designs. Despite practical training through apprenticeship and learned from industry masters, she received formal baking training in Haking Wong Technical Institute of Hong Kong.

Peggy is a floral artist, and she received her formal Graphic Design training from the First Institute of Art and Design of Hong Kong. After that, she has completed several Advanced Professional Instructor Certificates, including Japanese Cut Ribbon Flower, Gift Wrapping Art, Wax Flower Making, Creative Ribbon Bonsai, Chinese Knotting and Sogetsu Ikebana of Japan. She has moved into cake decorating in 2003 and is passionate about bringing her love for flowers to as many students as possible. Peggy has served as a judge in numerous international cake competitions. In 2017, she led the Hong Kong team to participate in the Cake Designers World Championship FIPGC in Milan, Italy, while serving as a competition judge. Peggy is an accredited tutor for the PME Professional Diploma Course and was awarded Honorary Five Star Sugar Artist Medal in 2019. She is also an accredited instructor of the JSA certificate course.

Peggy Wong是Blossom Cakes創辦人、專業導師、蛋糕設計師,著有 “新手學甜點”、“點點心思” 和 “Fantastic糖霜曲奇”等烘焙書藉。Peggy生於烘焙世家,由外祖父起數代皆是烘焙業中堅份子,自幼深受薰陶,熱愛烘焙工藝。除跟隨餅房廚師的實戰經驗外,亦曾於香港黃克兢工業學院接受正統的烘焙訓練。

Peggy擁有超過20年的工藝教學經驗,曾教授日本切邊絲帶花藝、西式糕餅製作和蛋糕設計裝飾等課程。Peggy熱愛花藝設計;她畢業於香港大一藝術及設計學院平面設計專業,其後完成了多個專業花藝證書課程,包括日本切邊絲帶花藝一級講師、禮品包裝藝術、蠟花製作、盆景藝術、中國繩結和日本草月流花道。Peggy於2003年投入蛋糕製作及設計領域,將花藝技術融入蛋糕裝飾設計中,並熱衷教授糖花製作技巧。Peggy老師曾是多個大型國際蛋糕比賽的評判,她於2017年更帶領香港代表隊參與意大利米蘭的Cake Designers World Championship FIPGC比賽及該比賽的國際評判團成員。她是英國PME專業文憑課程的認證導師及於2019年獲頒發PME五星糖藝師榮譽勛章。Peggy也是日本JSA講師認證課程的認可講師。
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Upon receipt your registration form, we will email you advising seat availability after checking course quota. Please deposit or transfer full payment within three working days to confirm your booking upon receipt our reply. Thank you!
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