Lab Astro Data Users Questionnaire
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What is your institution? (optional)

 What is your main field of study?

 What are the fundamental questions in your field that cannot be fully answered without new laboratory or theoretical data?

 What experimental and/or theoretical data would further your research?

What laboratory astrophysics databases do you currently use for your work?

What laboratory astrophysics databases do you need for your work that currently do not exist? 

What database infrastructure problems do you encounter that limit your use of laboratory astrophysics data in your research? What improvements would you propose?
For those who use Laboratory Astrophysics data (experimental or calculated), do you have any interactions with those who generate the data for the databases?
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If you feel that more interactions would be productive, what would you propose to facilitate it?
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Este formulário foi criado em Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Denunciar abuso